Why It Does'nt Hurt When We Cut Our Nails Or Hairs(Stories ig)

Hello Friends today i m going to tell you another kids Funny story related to human Body


Sameer Hair is also a part of the body?? yes Arshad and meals
 yes even nails -
 Then why it does not hurt when we cut our nails or hair but it does hurt when  other body parts get hurt

 hmm that's quite an interesting observation that you have made Arshad

Why Our Body Get Hurts?

Our body parts get injured on the grounds that they have nerve sensations in them so at whatever point you get wounded the tissues and cells in the skin get harmed and nerves send

sensations to the mind yet the pieces of her hair and nails that lie about the skin's surface are comprised of keratin

 truly keratin it is included dead cells of an extreme protein since these cells are dead there is no affectability in them in this way when we trim our hair

oucch what are you doing why you pulled my hairs it hurts sorry dear but you just said hair and nails don't hurt
yes i said  that's because both hair and nails have nerve endings just below the skin surface so if a hair is pulled or nails are too short these nerves are affected and this could hurt us

Sameer now I can go and tell all my friends in school about this interesting fact about our body hahaha sure Arshad

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